Below is a slide from a presentation that Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) gave on July 26th in Ottawa.

  • Candidates were invited across a range of occupations and skill levels in 2015, with a particular concentration in the restaurant (NOC 63) and high-tech (NOC 21) sectors.
    • ‘Fast food supervisors’, and ‘cooks’ collectively accounted for about one in six invitations in 2015.
    • ‘Information systems analysts’, ‘software engineers’, and ‘computer programmers and interactive media developers’ collectively accounted for about one in ten invitations in 2015.
  • Both typically low-wage (food service supervisors, cooks, retail sales supervisors) and high-wage occupations (software engineers, university professors and lecturers, financial and investment analysts) are represented.

Early outcomes – occupational distribution

An Associate of

Crease Harman LLP