In BC PNP, Immigration, Permanent Residence

Recently, the Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia published a report of the Skills Immigration Stream of the B.C. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Here are the updated figures showing the number of people who have come to BC through the PNP since 2002.

Permanent residents coming to B.C. through the PNP, 2002–2019

Source: Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia. “Skills Immigration Stream of B.C. Provincial Nominee Program.” 2020, June 2.

The BC PNP supports British Columbia’s labour market and economic development through immigration. Based on the immigrants’ ability to contribute to the economy, BC nominates them to the federal government for permanent residency. Permanent residency allows immigrants to stay and work in Canada and provides a pathway for them to become Canadian citizens.

Are you looking to apply for permanent residency through the BC PNP?

Consult with immigration lawyer David Aujla and get started today.


An Associate of

Crease Harman LLP